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Hvor bruger jeg mine evner bedst?
Hvor kan jeg udvikle mig?
Hvor befinder jeg mig bedst?
Disse spørgsmål har jeg stillet mig selv nogle gange gennem det seneste år.
Svaret har jeg heldigvis fundet og er startet igen som Projekt Ingeniør hos ProInvent A/S i Hørsholm, som jeg forlod for lidt over et år siden.
Her føler jeg mig hjemme og mine evner bliver sat på prøve hver eneste dag.
Jeg ser frem til et nyt kapitel i en spændende rejse sammen med nogle fantastiske kolleger og ikke mindst vores direktør Leif Dalum.
Martin Würtz
Oktober 2024
ProInvent A/S had the pleasure of Simone Seefeldeen Elghazoly choosing to join our team this summer. He has been with us for nearly two months and is already a valuable programmer. Simone is exceptionally talented and learns at a remarkable pace. His ability to quickly understand new concepts and technologies is terrific. Simone has an academic background in both mechanical and control engineering. Most recently he programmed Siemens, Rockwell Factory Talk and Omron PLC and SCADA.
ProInvent is currently designing a fully automated laboratory for production of reagents and, together with the rest of the team, Simone is programming the control system in the Siemens TIA portal with Winn CC Unified and programming a Fanuc cobot.
We have many tasks to solve at the moment, so we are looking for one more person who is as technically sharp and likeable as Simone. If you want to work together with Simone and other competent colleagues at ProInvent and you think you are a match, we would like to hear from you
Oktober 2024
It is a great pleasure to announce that Alex Korsholm Christensen will soon start at ProInvent as our new sales director. Alex is an experienced outreach sales profile with 20 years of experience in the Medico and Pharma industry. Alex comes from a position as Senior Account Manager at Merck Life Science and has previously worked with sales of customer-specific machine solutions at PJM and GEA. Alex has extensive knowledge of medico and pharma production lines and their specification requirements.
A warm welcome to Alex from all of us at ProInvent
August 2024
Newsletter - December 2022
In this Newsletter you can read about the news for ProInvent A/S 2022 .
Read the newsletter
December 2022
Newsletter - December 2021
In this Newsletter you can read about the news for ProInvent A/S 2021 .
Read the newsletter
December 2021
Newsletter - February 2021
In this Newsletter you can read about the news for ProInvent A/S February 2021 .
Read the newsletter
February 2021
Updated Covid-19 precautions at ProInvent
Click here to see our updated Covid-19 precautions from January 2021
Click here to see important Covid-19 guidelines issued by the Danish Authorities
Newsletter - December 2020
In this Newsletter you can read about the news for ProInvent A/S December 2020 .
Read the newsletter
December 2020
Newsletter - November 2020
In this Newsletter you can read about the news for ProInvent A/S November 2020 .
Read the newsletter
November 2020
Leif Dalum's verdict on Automatik - September 2020
“The people I talked to at Automatik were looking to fully automate their production in light of the recent health crisis”.
It is time for the verdict on this years Automatikmesse in Brøndbyhallen.
Our CEO, Leif Dalum, puts it this way:
"I think you can say that Automatik showed us both sides of the health crisis. On one side, fewer people showed up than normally, but those who did show up really reaffirmed me that automation is the key to maintaining an effective production – especially when dealing with a health crisis which ultimately sends people home. And automation is after all our specialty. So, I would actually say that we had a very productive Automatik with some very interesting projects and meetings in our pipeline now".
Automation was also the theme when our CSPO, Peter Ahlberg, was on stage for the conference ‘Mennesker og Robotter’.
(Photo credits: Jern-Maskinindustrien)
September 2020
Article in Frederiksborg Amtsavis - September 2020
(in Danish)
Frederiksborg Amtsavis visited us for a talk on enhanced creativity, our approach to integrated product- and manufacturing technology development and the fact that we are growing – in spite of a global health-crisis.
Read the article here
September 2020
Newsletter - September 2020
In this Newsletter you can read about the news for ProInvent A/S September 2020 .
Read the newsletter
September 2020
Newsletter - May 2020
In this Newsletter you can read about the news for ProInvent A/S May 2020.
Read the newsletter
May 2020
Covid-19 precautions at ProInvent
Click here to see our Covid-19 precautions from March 18 2020
Click here to see our Corona action plan
Click here to see our Corona hygiene precautions
Click here to see danish version of Corona action plan
Click here to see danish version of Corona hygiene precautions
Click here to see important Covid-19 guidelines issued by the Danish Authorities
Newsletter - March 2020
In this Newsletter you can read about the news for ProInvent A/S march 2020 .
Read the newsletter
March 2020
December - Newsletter 2019
In this Christmas - Newsletter you can read about the news for ProInvent A/S in 2019 . Read the newsletter
December 2019
Newsletter - September 2019
In the newsletter you can read about the Herning Industrial Conference of 2019 which ProInvent attended to. Read the newsletter
September 2019
Newsletter - May 2019
In the newsletter you can read about ProInvent's growth, sales and how the projects has gone in 2019. Read the newsletter
May 2019
Siemens Gamesa, DTU og Force har skabt selvkørende robot til at scanne vindmøllevinger: "Det er utroligt imponerende"
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy har sammen med DTU og FORCE Technology i et MADE-projekt udviklet en automatiseret løsning til at scanne overfladen på vindmøllevinger.
Projektet har været en del af MADE-forskningen inden for sensorer og kvalitetskontrol. Selve løsningen har været opbygget og testet i FORCE Technologys faciliteter for siden at blive afprøvet i Siemens Gamesas vingefabrik i Aalborg.
- Robotten kan scanne overfladen med en 3D-scanner, en såkaldt struktureret lysscanner, som via infrarødt lys får 3D-punktskyer ud fra vingens overflade, forklarer Rasmus Ahrenkiel Lyngby, der brugte sin erhvervsph.d. fra DTU hos Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy på at udvikle teknologien i løsningen, som ifølge vindturbineproducenten er ganske unik.
- Det innovative er, at vi har en autonom robot – vi skal slet ikke forprogrammere den. Den tilpasser sig selv den enkelte vinge, hvilket er utroligt imponerende, når man skal måle noget, der er så stort og lave et stykke udstyr, der selv finder ud af, hvad den skal måle og tilpasser sine algoritmer efter, hvor den skal bevæge den. Det er den ene ting, som er fantastisk – og meget unikt faktisk, fortæller Ewa Nielsen, der er Head of Quality Execution hos Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy.
Juni 2019
AutoCobots, automatiske samarbejdende robotter med 3D-koordinerede bevægelser omtales i Ingeniøren IndustryTech
ProInvents egenudviklede teknologiske løsninger, der bygger videre på de nyeste og smarteste teknologiske muligheder inden for robot- og visionteknologi, er blevet en stor succes. Vores kunder er begejstrede for vores nye high-end teknologi, som genererer unikke muligheder i deres nuværende og kommende produktioner. For 20 år siden var ProInvent blandt de allerførste industrielle virksomheder, som gav robotter ”øjne”, hvilket gjorde robotterne i stand til at se, hvad de lavede og dermed i stand til at udføre langt sværere opgaver end tidligere. Senest har vi, så vidt vides, som de første i verden udviklet en teknologi, hvor robotter arbejder sammen med robotter – såkaldte automatiske samarbejdende robotter, Automatic collaborative Robots, som vi kalder AutoCobots.
IndustryTech/Ingeniøren har været forbi ProInvent for at høre mere om de intelligente og multifunktionelle renrumsrobotter, der arbejder sammen i 3D-koordinerede bevægelser og har i dag udgivet en artikel herom. Læs hele artiklen.
Maj 2019

We just welcomed 12 new employees to ProInvent
ProInvent has a lot of exciting customer projects in 2019. Therefore we welcomed a lot of new employees to the company – a M.Sc. Robot Engineer , a M.Sc. Development Engineer, a Ph.D. Vision Expert , a B.Sc. Construction Engineer and an Industry Technologist for the workshop, - and the growth continues. Read more about the new employees.
Maj 2019
Han så robotternes rolle før andre
I anledningen af ProInvents 25 års jubilæum skriver Frederiksborg Amts Avis blandt andet om robotternes rolle i industrien, og hvordan ProInvent er foregangsvirksomhed på et nyt område, idet en ny generation af robotter med 3D-koordinerende bevægelser nu er i stand til at arbejde sammen med hinanden.
Læs hele artiklen.
April 2019

25 years anniversary in 2019
With great enthusiasm and desire to contribute to Denmark's prosperity through higher productivity and a healthier working environment in the Danish production companies, ProInvent A/S technology development was founded in 1994 by Leif Dalum, CEO. Costumers, collaborators and business partners showed up, to congratulate the anniversary and to hear different lectures concerning new machine technologies and newly developed machines. At the same time we had the plessure of greeting and welcome the mayor of Hørsholm, Morten Slotsved on this amazing day.
Frederiksborg Amts Avis wrote an article about the anniversary click to read
Marts 2019
Annual report
ProInvent A/S has had a busy 2018 performing 37 customer projects. It’s a mix of large-scale epoch-making projects, medium scale projects and minor projects. ProInvent’s activity level is growing 15% per year, and this is reflected in gross profit, number of employees and generates approximately DKK 30m this financial year. The high level of activities is due to the fact that as in previous years ProInvent’s employees have contributed a special commitment throughout the year and this has resulted in well-solved projects and satisfied customers.
See the annual report for 2017/2018.
February 2019
Head of our new vision department
Rasmus Ahrenkiel Lyngby is leading ProInvent's new business leg in project-based machine vision systems. Rasmus is responsible for implementing ProInvent's new machine vision strategy and for building the group to the demand in the market and therefore also works with recruitment, sales and management. Read more about machine vision in ProInvent.
February 2019

Newsletter - december 2018
In the newsletter you can read about ProInvent's growth, sales and how the projects has gone in 2018.Read the newsletter
December 2018
Newsletter - december 2017
In the newsletter you can read about ProInvent's growth, sales and how the projects has gone in 2017. Read the newsletter
December 2017
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